Sunday, April 25, 2010

Lonestar Triathlon..err..Duathlon...

My second race of the season: Lonestar Olympic Triathlon in Galveston.

It was a pretty nasty morning- rain, wind, stormy...and the wind was moving the buoys on the water (we were swimming in the bay by Moody Gardens), so the race officials decided to cancel the swim portion- moving buoys means you can't swim the distance you are supposed to and also means that the water was waaay too choppy for people to be out there. So we ended up doing a duathlon. Now, official duathlons usually break up the run (so you would do a 2 mile run 18 mile bike 3mile run) or something like that. For ours, we just did the bike and run distances of an Olympic tri (24.8 mile bike, 6.2 mile run).

Drat that wind!

The bike:

I hit 21mph on the bike!!! I had a pretty decent tailwind, so I pushed it pretty hard, knowing that where there is a tailwind, about 99% of the time there is also a headwind :). Sure enough, at the turnaround, whamo! But, it still wasn't that bad. All in all, I averaged about 17.3 mph on the bike, with a total time of 1:26:46. My best bike time ever of that distance

The run:

Lots of concrete on this one. We ran around Moody Gardens. It was hot and there was no shade and I had a lot of stomach cramps (imagine a standard side cramp...but all over your stomach). Weird, because I was hydrating fine. Anyhow, I finished the run in 1:09:41...not my best time ever, but not my worst either.

Fun points:
I've done enough races at this point that this was the first time where I've run into people I've met at others races. And because of the delays due to the swim and unique bike start (time trial start, 3 seconds between each athlete, means you wait for a bit), I had time to chat with my fellow triathleters. It was a lot of fun!

I also got to cross the finish line with my training buddy Lisa...that's never happened before at a tri (she's way faster than me at the swim and we sometimes are in different age categories, so she is always ahead of me), so that was fun :).

Post race picture!

Weird points:

The black Sharpie that they use to body mark us with our race numbers ended up acting as sunscreen and for the time being, part of my race number is etched on my sunburned arm...nice. (see the 4?)

Next race will probably be in June...

1 comment:

Joshua said...

That's the coolest sunburn ever! Go #4!