Sunday, July 13, 2008

Wall Art Project


So, well over a month ago, one of our Pastors-In-Training, Darrel, gave a message on Acts 2:42-47 and asked three questions:

1) What are you devoted to?
2) What do you live for?
3) What is your purpose?

In 1 John 1:3 the word "fellowship" is mentioned twice. When Christians think about "fellowship" we usually think of the time of hanging out with other believers, catching up on each others lives, eating good food together, and just enjoying being with one another. But, as Darrel pointed out, fellowship isn't limited to those descriptions. Fellowship involves worshiping and studying God's Word together with other believers. This definition challenges me a bit more. Am I devoted to studying God's Word? Am I living for God? Is my purpose of glorifying God and enjoying Him forever being lived each day? If I can fellowship with my Christian friends, enjoy spending time with them and getting to know them better, shouldn't I also be fellowshipping with God- whom I claim to live for? Hmm, some hefty pondering. Well, how does one know God better? By reading His Word, by studying His Word, by meditating on His Word.

"For all Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work" 2Tim 3:16-17 (ESV).

The Greek word for fellowship is "koi-noi-nia" phonetically spelled of course :). I finally found some Greek wood letters on line, and made this wall art.

Every time I look at it, I will be reminded of "am I fellowshipping with God?". And I hope that it will become a description of my home, for both my Christian friends- for us to become better friends, to study and converse about God's Word, and to glorify and honor him with our speech- and for my non-Christian friends- that my hospitality and true desire for and enjoyment of their friendship will be an outward reflection of Christ's work in my heart.

Patio project

So I really did most of this two weeks ago, but I decided to use the Home Depot gift cards I got a birthday and a half ago (that were supposed to be for building some more bookshelves) but since that isn't going to happen for awhile, I figured I would spruce up my plants already thriving on my little balcony garden and replace the ones that died uh...months ago :). I finally got the small table for my patio (had to order it online), so I figured I would post some pictures...I still need to find an outdoor rug and I bought some paint (orange, red and yellow- of course!) to spray some metal chairs I have. Those will get done at some point :)

My new patio furniture! It's simple I know. But its bright...that's what matters :)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Our video!!!!

Yay! Our video is posted on YouTube! My friend Shelly was the creative and technical genius behind it, here is a video of our experience at the Na conference in May. Enjoy!

And now for a triathlon...

I just signed up for my first triathlon...the Ironbabe Sprint Triathlon. It's in August.

300yd swim
11 mile bike
3 mile run

Sounds like fun to me.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

4th of July

Yeah I know it's been awhile since I've posted...

I spent my 4th of July evening at the Parris home. We did our own fireworks! That was so cool! In Arizona, its illegal, and our 4th of July firework shows sometimes get canceled if things are too dry. So it was a real treat to wave a sparkler and fire off a Roman candle! Fun!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I signed up for the Chevron Houston Half-Marathon (13.1 miles) today.

January 18th, 2009.


Musings on Heat

Ever since I moved to Texas, many people have asked me "What is worse: Arizona heat or Houston heat"?

It's not such an easy question to answer, but I think I now have it summed up.

Arizona heat is painful...seriously. Your skin literally cooks under the sun, since there isn't any moisture to act as a barrier (turn your oven to 400 deg and then put your face right in front of the door and open it...that's AZ during the summer day). You get burned faster. It also gets hotter earlier in the day (it was 100 degrees by 9:30am this morning). But it cools off nicely at night. Even if it only gets down to 80 at night, it still feels cooler because there is no humidity. You can actually sit outside and not become one with your chair.

Texas heat is miserable. You can't breathe because the air is so heavy and you are constantly feeling sweaty and stinky. It can feel deceptionally (is that a word?) cool when you first walk outside (especially in the shade)- but you spend 5 minutes outside and its "Whammo!"...nasty sauna heat. And it doesn't get cooler at night. I think the air actually gets heavier.

I will say that the "with the heat index" isn't always true. 104 in Houston (with the heat index) does NOT feel like 104 in Tucson/Phoenix. Again, this is because of the pain factor. AZ is worse.

So, both "heats" are pretty bad- just depends on which sensation you prefer: being roasted alive or being steamed alive.