Friday, March 7, 2008

Rosie the Riveter

My friend Stacy is writing a book that takes place during WWII and she found this picture while doing some of her research (the US Department of War took some color shots)...I thought it was pretty cool...remind you of those posters?


Stasha said...

I knew you would like that! I thought of you when I found that picture, actually. I'm not a feminist, but seeing the pictures of these women putting warplanes and parachutes makes me proud to be an American woman. I makes me so proud that we were part of the war that way.

There's a sample of the book manuscript on my other blog.

Melissa said...

I love the fact that she is wearing lipstick and nail polish and is still riveting (no pun intended :) ). I'm no feminist either, but it does make you proud!