Thursday, April 14, 2011


That would be where my sis and her family lives...which includes the two cutest and bestest nephews EVER. I saw them at Christmas, but hey, it's been a few months...time for some auntie time!

Laughing at something...

It's a Carter!

Look at me Sissa! I'm going UP the slide!

Yeah, I am ridiculously cute and I can't say "Sissa" quite comes out either "Sis" or "Sissy" :)

John Michael's preschool class just finished studying space. Here he is with his teacher introducing "Sissa" :) to his classmates. I had a ball answering their questions and listening to their stories (For instance, one little girl asked "Can you have pets in space?", so I spent a few minutes talking about the animals/insects we have had in space. This was followed by at least 5 different hands being raised in the air...each to tell me about THEIR pet that they have at home :)

I was one of their "stations" in class that day. Here the kiddos are looking at space pictures.

Sorry for the rice cake smiles, but these guys needed a snack before taking me to the airport. Love these guys!

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