Monday, September 3, 2012

New med

On Friday, I started a new pain med. What is great about this med is that it doesn't give me a fuzzy brain and I can focus. I've finished two books since I started it (I can focus now to read) and I started driving again, it felt awesome to be able to go out and not have to call someone to pick me up (although I very much appreciate all the willing folks out there!)

The not-so-great thing is that it doesn't knock out the pain like the Vicadin does, so I am in a constant state of uncomfortable. It's not awful, but it's enough to remind me that I don't feel well and to squirm a bit (I may have told my roommate that I wish I could just remove my abdomen completely, she politely asked me not to). I did manage to sit up during the sermon at church and for lunch afterwards, so that's progress! So much so, that I told my bosses that I plan to work from home for a few hours on Tuesday and Wednesday and see how I do sitting up. I am crazy excited to work again! So right now, I've decided it's worth the pain/uncomfortableness to not be fuzzy-headed.

Keep those prayers coming for the pain to diminish - I am starting acupuncture again tomorrow and I am hoping that will help with things. I also have a long list of questions out to my doctor regarding why two weeks have passed on the the stomach contracting meds and there has been no change to the pain. Hoping to get some answers. Appreciate all the encouraging thoughts, prayers, and notes you all have been sending my way. Thanks so much, I am blessed!

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