Just What the Doctor Ordered...
Chicken noodle soup, toast, tea, and Powerade...yep that would be a recipe for sickness recuperation. (oh and blue Powerade is really really disgusting...really)
I had to leave work early yesterday due to a sudden onset of some strange bug that the doctors (yes plural, Dr. Flores was baffled- pulled in another doc) still can't figure out. So normal WBC count is 4-10, mine was 20 yesterday! Lauri, I'd gladly donate my WBCs to you!
My diagnosis- high WBC count and sore throat...
Sorry to hear you were not well, Melissa. Be thankful for chicken soup, I'm sure that's what fixed you up! I'm looking forward to hearing about your trip when you are home and am praying for you while you are gone. suezette
Thanks, Melissa! I'll take all the WBC's I can get. Sorry you aren't feeling well. Hope you feel better soon! Lauri
Aren't WBC's good for you? Is it like everything else - too much of a good thing = bad thing?
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