Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Seattle Trip

So my trip to Seattle (well, technically Tacoma) began and ended with me running to my gate at the airport. For some reason, I just can't seem to get to airports with ample time to meander to my gate. This mornings race to the gate consisted of me taking my shoes off (they were hard to run in) and hauling butt to the gate (got there about 4 minutes before the gate closed!). I even beat the little golf-cart thing. All's well that ends well, right?

John Michael finishing up his lunch (he'll be 9 months on the 17th)

Bobby, me, John Michael, and Monica in Alki, with Seattle behind us (John's a little camera shy, so I don't have any pictures of him)

On Sunday we took a trip to Snoqualmie Falls.

John and Bobby went out at night with some of John's co-workers and Monica and I caught up on our chick-flicks (Catch and Release- didn't like, The Holiday- liked) and ice cream. Then on Monday evening we went to the spa (which is now a tradition for us). Good times. I can't wait to see everyone again at Christmas!

1 comment:

Adrienne Renea said...

Aw, he's getting so big! Glad to hear you had great time. That waterfall looked cool. I missed you this Sunday!
Love always!