In College Station...
Thanks for all the calls, texts, and emails...I am safely in College Station. The drive up here was SO much shorter than for Rita (also because I left before they started the mandatory evacuations). But I must state that I do not enjoy traveling with pets to be exact. Eggs has a cry that has a decibel level you wouldn't believe. And there is nothing like your cat (Eggs, who wasn't in a cage since I couldn't free it from my storage closet) climbing over the back of the seat, over your shoulder and into your lap while you are driving and talking on the phone...and then proceeding to pee on your favorite purse (the cool orange one, that has now been discarded...gotta go buy a new purse now). And then Bacon, who is in his carrier (with the door open and a litter box RIGHT in front of his face) decides to poo. Small quarters and cat poo= watery eyes. So I had to pull off and clean that up. I ended up pulling into Angie and Andrew's place about 2am. And now I am going to bask in the fact that I am still in my pajamas at 11:30 in the morning, getting uninterrupted time to study my Bible, read books, enjoy friends, and just relax- and not WORK. Ah, joy!