Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Knight in Shining Armor?

I think I need one of these in my house...

And for those of you who know know I am only half joking...maybe even only a quarter joking....hmm....(wheels turning)....quirky...

Friday, July 2, 2010

Summertime food favorite

I grew up in Arizona. It is very hot in Arizona during the summer. Very hot. So hot, it takes away your appetite sometimes (my parents don't have AC in our house, we use this thing called 'evaporative cooling'- works great since there is little to no humidity in AZ). So, during the summer, my mom would whet our appetites by making tunafish salad and fill hollowed-out tomatoes. It was awesome biting into that tuna-y tomato-y coldness when the rest of you was sweltering. I'm not a fan of tuna anymore, so here's my adaptation of our family's summertime favorite:

Chicken Salad Stuffed Tomatoes

1 1/2 cups cooked and shredded chicken (I used 3 medium chicken breasts)
2tsp honey
2 tsp apple cider vinegar
1c mayo
3 ribs of celery, chopped
1 red apple (unpeeled) cut into chunks
shredded swiss cheese
fresh basil
~6 medium to large tomatoes

I mix the honey, vinegar, and mayo and then add it to the chicken/celery/apple mixture. Add swiss cheese and fresh chopped basil to taste.

Scrape out the inside of the tomatoes and stuff with the chicken salad. Top with extra cheese and/or basil and refrigerate for a few hours until chilled. Then eat. Enjoy!

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Due to the house buying and all, I curtailed my traveling for the summer and just went on a short jaunt to visit Jana and Scott in Pennsylvania and to visit my sis in Idaho (followed by a week and a half 'staycation'- so excited to get some stuff DONE around here :) )

I finally got to see Jana and Scott's new home (er..kinda new, they've been there for a year and a half now). This is the view from their front porch...they are surrounded by Amish farms. I love Lancaster!

I thought I had lost my sunglasses, so we went shopping and bought aviators. Aren't we stylin'?(turns out I had just left my other ones at her brother-in-laws).

It was a great time of catching up, coffee drinking, Bible studying, BBQing, visiting with her family, watching movies. I love this couple and I am SO excited to meet Baby Smith...due December 24th :) :)!!!!

Next, it was onto Boise to see my sis and her family. My brother decided to also fly up, so it was a partial family reunion :)

Seriously, how cute are these boys?

Carter meeting Uncle Bobby for the first time

Monica being a mommy and comforting a pouting John Michael

Carter and daddy playing

John Michael


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Big Kitchen Reveal

Okay, it's not completely finished. I will be adding hardware to the doors, getting outlets/covers that match with the tile better, and at some point (a MUCH future point) I will be getting new floor tile...but for now here it is (no, the faucet isn't completely installed. I am waiting, as I type, for the plumber to reconnect the sink, and then I will install it myself to save 200 smackaroos...)

Before- love me some pink Formica

I didn't know they were going to add the granite windowsill- I really like it!


After- porcelain and glass tile backsplash


After- they added about 6 inches, which I hadn't asked for, but I like- hmm, short barstools mayhaps?


After- they also extended the top part of this "bar"


:) I love this glass tile!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Geek Shirt #1

I have a geek shirt #2 coming in the mail...but I can't post it until after Father's Day...'cause I got my dad the same one :)

Geek Shirt #1

Sunday, June 13, 2010

World Cupness

Ah, the wonderful time of World least 3 soccer games a day...LOVE IT.

Here's proof that I have tickets to the World Cup (Ghana vs Germany...and after seeing Germany play Australia today, I'm a bit more sad I can't be there)...'course, we aren't going...airline tickets were just TOO expensive (seriously, like $2600-$2900), so we (my bro, Jana, and Scott) decided back in January that we'd wait until Brazil in 2014...

For the US vs England game on Saturday, some of my co-workers decided to head to a park in downtown Houston called Discovery Green to watch the game on a big screen that was being set up in the park. Barry, Adrienne, and I carpooled together and ended up with some great front-row-on-the-grass seats. It was pretty muggy and hot out, but the crowd was great! Good times!

Barry, me, and Adrienne

Go USA!!!

da big screen...

wicked hot, 90 deg, 60% humidity

Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

I had such a busy and enjoyable weekend:

Friday- painting

Saturday- met Lisa at 630am for a 20 mile bike ride, then Pam came to my place and we met up with Lisa and Erin to drive to Morehead Blueberry Farm for some blueberry picking! I picked a little over was steamy hot and I think I sweated about 5lbs away during the process ;-). After a fender bender on the way home (everyone is fine, Lisa's Expedition was only slightly damaged...compared to the accordioned-front end of the guy who slammed into us...but he's okay too...), I tackled some bushes in my front yard that were starting to resemble Krynoid bushes (name that reference fellow Whovians...). 1.5 hours and 7 trash bags and 1 trash can full later, the bushes look slightly better. Of course, I can't trim in a straight line, so there's a decided slant to the bushes right now...I'll rectify that later... I then packed for a fun-filled camping adventure the next day in Brazos Bend...

Sunday/Monday- Some friends of mine organized a overnight camping trip to Brazos Bend State Park. I had not been camping in years ( 10 or 12...) and never been to Brazos Bend (it's about 1.5 hours away from where I live). So I went to their church on Sunday so that we could all caravan out afterwards (great church, awesome message). We had about 15 people, 6 tents, hot dogs, alligators, s'mores, singing around the camp fire, applied so much bug spray I am convinced we all are going to mutate from the Deet and grow arms out of our legs or foreheads, braved the lone NASTY port-a-potty, ate REALLY well (seriously- bacon, eggs, pancakes, fresh fruit and awesome coffee for breakfast), laughed a LOT, and just had a really fun time. And...I didn't get eaten by an alligator, always a plus...

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's an...


Erin, Abby, and me on top of the observation tower...observing the swamp and pondering the difference between a swamp and marsh...

Roasting hot dogs and making camp pies. Yum!!!