Sunday, November 4, 2007

Aunt update

Thank you all for your prayers for my aunt...keep them coming! The tumors are responding really well to the chemo. They are shrinking! Whoo hoo! She's got another round of chemo coming up and then surgery will be discussed.

Last Sunday...

So I am a little behind in posting...last Sunday I went over to the Axelson's for lunch after church. The Lunsfords were there and we had a good time hanging out, chatting, eating really good food, and playing with the kiddos.

Mikaela likes to try on everyone's shoes..included my high-heeled boots. I was afraid she would break her little ankle, but she did really well...must come with the chromosomes...

Mikaela...very pleased with herself

Melissa L. and his Cookie Monster pose

But I'm a baby too! Nathaniel, Mikaela, and Elijah

Saturday, October 27, 2007

In Houston, not working

Today I celebrated my first Saturday in a month where I was actually in the state of Texas (and better yet, at home) and/or not working. This celebration included a trip to the scrapbooking store with Lisa and Erin (I only spent 3 dollars!) and then to Chili's for lunch. I dropped by Pam's to have her sign a thank you card and then came home and went RUNNING! I ran 3.5 miles today and felt pretty good. Lisa and I are going to do a 5k fun run in The Woodlands on 11/10. I won't make my 1/2 marathon goal by January, but there is a 1/2er in Seabrook in March and I will be shooting for that.

So that's the play by play of my was yours?

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

New food

So lately I've been having trouble finding food that sounds appetizing to me, so I went digging online for some new recipes. I found a spinach-artichoke lasagna recipe, a Morrocan soup, Indian dahl, and a recipe using quinoa. Quinoa is a South American grain (kinda a cross between rice and couscous). I made the quinoa dish tonight and it was really good (corn, black beans,quinoa, and cilantro). Yum! I just pulled the lasagna out of the smells good. I about tripled my spice collection with my trip to the grocery store today. I could only buy the garam masala and tumeric in bulk (they were really cheap though...)...same with the red I now have enough to last me about ten years...I hope spices don't go bad...

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Jana's Wedding

Can I tell you how much I love PA? So much! It was beautiful weather (albeit a bit chilly on the wedding day!). I'm so going back for lots o' visits- I so want to buy some Amish furniture and see the Strasburg train museum, not to mention spend some time in Philly.

The trip was just great! Jana is pretty much another sister to me and it was so awesome to finally meet her friends that I have heard so much about and get to meet her sister-in-law and her nieces and nephews. Her family and Scott's are really close (all the guys work together) and Scottt's older brother Jason and his wife Heidi have just about the biggest servants hearts I have ever seen. I really enjoyed getting to know them. I could go on and on, but I know that many of you are dying to see the without further ado...

Jana's Wedding

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Happy Birthday Monica!

Happy 22nd birthday to my sis! Hope you had a great one! Love ya!


So I've got 4 projects in mind...

1) To finally build my bookcases. My parents and Grandma gave me Home Depot gift cards for my birthday...back in February...for the sole purpose of building some new bookcases (my current Walmart specials didn't travel so well to is permanently canted about 10-15 degrees). Anyways, I was digging through a bunch of Wood magazines my Dad gave me. I thought I wanted to build two mission style cases, but now I'm not so sure. My Dad likes to give me tools for Christmas...I have a router and router table and a biscuit joiner that I haven't even opened yet...but I will! Soon hopefully, now that the weather is starting to cool off, I can actually tolerate working on my balcony.

2) Designing and making this year's Christmas cards...I only managed to get about 10 done last year- due to my late start and a mission in December...this time I hope to send them ALL out!

3) & 4)Two books I just purchased: War and Peace and Moby Dick. War and Peace will be my second Tolstoy (Anna Karenina is awesome by the way). Same with Melville (although Billy Budd was pretty horrific). To be honest, I don't have great hopes about Moby Dick. I have yet to meet someone who actually liked the book...but for literature's sake...I'll suffer through.

So, those are my projects. I'm realistic enough to NOT put a deadline on them, but hopefully in the next few months I can check them off.

What projects do you have on your list?