Showing posts with label House related. Show all posts
Showing posts with label House related. Show all posts

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Fall Decorations 2011

Here are my fall decorations...just a few touches to remind me that even though it's 88 degrees really is mid-October :)

Welcome to my fall house!

New wreath (yay 60% off sales at Joanns!)

Same as last year, Autumn Leaves candles and fall foliage

Sorry for the dark picture - fall foliage in the wall vases with mini-corn husk thingies...

Breakfast nook centerpiece

Kitchen sink decor - fall foliage and gourds

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Guest bedroom: Progress

Well, the parents arrive in about 1.5 hours. I wasn't able to get all the guest room items taken care off, but it's definitely a HUGE improvement.

The biggest frustration (thus far!) was the painting. I used some paint (Silver Drop) that I bought back in February. I ran out and went to Home Depot to get some more...when I brought it home, even though the labels were identical, the colors were very off...turns out they mixed it incorrectly back in February. What followed was four different trips to Home Depot and me speaking with two different managers to convince them it was their mistake and they should give me another gallon of the Silver Drop to compensate for the incorrect one...I did manage to convince them, but I lost a lot of "get the room ready" time in the process and had already spent almost 7 hours the wrong color. So the parents will enjoy 3.5 whiteish (not Silver Drop) walls. At some point, I'll repaint with the 2 gallons of Silver Drop I now own.

I did order a white sofa slipcover from Bed, Bath, and Beyond, but wasn't happy with the quality or color of it, so it's getting some point I'll get a sleeper sofa in here that actually matches, but for now, the sturdy Lazyboy works well.

Guest bedroom - Progress

Close-up of the frames...yay scrapbook paper

Absolutely thrilled with the lamps and counter stools!

All ready for Mom and Dad!

A couple of things - those pillows from my other post run about $40-50 a pillow! No way am I paying that I plan to create a few of my own (or hawk the CB2 website until they go on sale :)). Also, my mom and I will tackle the curtains (I have the curtains and the paint, just wasn't able to get to them) this week, so I'll post pictures of those.

Whew. I'm beat :)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Mission: Guest Bedroom

My parents are coming to visit in two weeks. The guest bedroom (the sofa is a sleeper sofa), which is actually more office-sized, as my roommate occupies the second bedroom in the house, currently looks like this:

I know, right?

So besides giving those ceiling fans a ride to Salvation Army and putting a lot of that stuff back in the closet (which is strategically packed to the brim with old college stuff I have yet to go through - (sad, yes) - luggage, and Christmas decorations), the room needs some character. I'm currently sitting on a gallon of paint called "Silver Drop" - it was supposed to grace my bedroom walls, but I ended up going a different direction and I don't want to waste it. So here's the mood board I put together for the guest bedroom:

1. Silver Drop from Behr - I already own this...the rest of the paint colors are just to give you a feel for what I am going for in the room

2. Jumping on the chevron pattern fabric bandwagon ... I think I am going to go with wider chevron stripes (similar to this, but not as wide, I'll find a happy medium), andI found several online tutorials for how to paint your own chevron curtains (I plan to use some plain white grommet curtains from IKEA)

3. Throw pillows from CB2...I have a gift card from a returned purchased...definitely could come in handy...and I'm loving the question mark's called "huh?" :)

4. These are actually counterstools on Overstock, but I thought they would make great end tables/nightstands on either side of the couch.

5. Frames from Pier 1 (I already own these, thanks to a gift card :) ) - I think I will put yellow flowers in the center

6. These lamps are on sale at West Elm right now...I think I might just go ahead and buy them, since they are SUPER on sale.

7. Not pictured, but I want to get a white couch cover for the sleeper sofa...otherwise, ick, major color clash!

We'll see how far I get in two weeks...stay tuned...

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Living room updates

Two more living room projects tackled: a new ceiling fan and adding the additional pops of color to compliment my Soviet propaganda poster that I mentioned here. However, the ceiling fan project isn't quite finished. Turns out, I have a defective ceiling fan - the motor grinds something awful, so it will soon come down and be shipped back for a replacement. However, I do LOVE it and glad I took so much time to find the right one for the space.


Notice the pops of blue and yellow? (Big thanks to Erin W. for the pillow recommendations from CB2!).

Close up of the fan (Please note, I didn't mean to match the fan to the propellers of the B-36 on the wall...but, apparently I subconsciously did exactly that!)

Saturday, July 30, 2011

The roof...the roof...the roof leaks?

Yup. Well, rather, it did.

This has been an ongoing issue for just over a year. I discovered the first leak last July (the roof was replaced a bit after Hurricane Ike, so it's just over two years old - it definitely shouldn't be leaking yet). My awesome realtor tracked down the company who did the roof, they sent some guys out - who sealed the old gutter holes they had left unsealed (heavy rain-fills gutters-rain goes into unsealed gutter holes-leaky roof). My neighbor and I had taken care of another more minor leak earlier last July - I climbed into the attic and sealed around a vent and he climbed on the roof and sealed it there - and then informed me that they had used kitchen tile sealant (the white stuff) instead of roofing sealant (the black stuff). I should have known then it wasn't the end of the leaking problems.

The gutter hole leak did some decent drywall damage in my bedroom, so I filed the claim with the roofing company since everything was still (thankfully) under warranty. Then I got sick and about 6 months went by before I was able to follow up with it. In January, I started what ended up being a 7 month process of trying to track down someone who could help me. The company is called Aspen Contracting and they subcontract out to smaller companies all over the country. After months of their subcontractors not calling them back, or sending out a painting crew to my house instead of a drywall crew and me refusing to let them just paint over the damage, I finally reached an awesome woman in their main office, Kathi. After I took about 15 minutes to recount everything that had happened (I kept a log of all the calls that I made to the company and who I spoke to), she flat out interrupted me and said "honey, we are going to fix this". After several calls to their non-responsive subcontractors in this area, she finally gave up and told me to find my own contractor, fax her the quote, and she would write a check. I did and she did and the money is sitting in my account ready to pay the contractor who is coming on Wednesday to fix the damage.

Oh, but it's not over yet :). During the month of June/early July this year while I was working with Kathi to figure something out, another leak developed in my living room. We hadn't had rain for months (literally) so I am so glad this happened when I was in discussions with the company. I emailed Kathi and she told me to have my contractor come out and take a look and then send me the quote. It ended up being cosmetic and due to rain blowing in through a vent, so easy fix. AND THEN (oh yeah, it goes on), my housemate reported there was a leak in her bedroom. So I told Kathi and she sent out a great (they drove from about two cities away to get here) crew who did a full inspection of the roof, found two leaks, sealed them, tested them, the seals failed, so they ended up replacing two of the attic fans and the flashing around the fireplace. Right before the storms stirred up by Tropical Storm Don started coming through. And I am happy to report, a ton of rain and no leaks!

Throughout this process, I have been very thankful that it has gone so smoothly. You may think that all that I just wrote above isn't the textbook description of "smooth" but you and I both know that it could have been a lot worse. My biggest fear was that I would have to get legal on them and I really didn't want to do that, so I am thankful God answered that prayer. And also that Kathi works at Aspen. And that the company has been handing over money to pay for all the repairs (yes, that's what they should be doing, it's just nice that I just haven't had to argue with them about it or even ask).

Bottom line though, if you need roof work, don't go with Aspen Contracting. Their main office is competent and professional, but the three subcontractors I had to deal with initially were decidedly not. So until Aspen Contracting subcontracts out with some reliable companies, avoid them.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

It's a table!!!

Remember the table on this post?

I finally got around to sanding, priming, and painting it!!!

All set to break in my DeWalt orbit sander (that I have had for over a year). I ended up not having to use the ear plugs because this is a super quiet sander!

All sanded! I only used the orbit sander on the table top. Had to use good old fashioned sheet sandpaper and elbow grease on the rest, but it didn't take long at all to remove the varnish.

Following furniture painting instructions from Young House Love, one of my favorite DIY blogs, I used an oil based primer (Behr's). Unfortunately, there was a bit of Young House Love tutorial fail during this process. They said I could apply the primer with a brush or a foam roller, recommending the roller for beginners. So I foam rolled. And this resulted in air-bubbles in the primer. Now, I have never used oil based paint/primer/anything before, so I thought it was odd, but also thought "well, maybe this is how it is supposed to be". When searching the tutorial for what sheen of paint to use, in the comments section on their painting post, I saw several readers complaining about the foam roller leaving air bubbles. The YHL crew apologized, admitting they had never tried the roller, they stick to the brush method, and said they would update the post. Don't get me wrong, I heart this DIY couple a ton, but a bit of a fail - the update was never made and my table was now texturized. Oh well. I let it dry for 2.5 days, since it was pretty muggy out.

Finished product (almost!)

I applied two coats of Behr's "Popped Corn" (one of my favorite whites out there). I applied the first coat with a super smooth foam roller but still experienced the air bubbles, so I caved and began the meticulous job of using a brush and avoiding brush strokes. It came out pretty decently (you can just barely see the texture) and I am happy with my first adventure in furniture painting! Only step left is to put a coat of polyurethane on it to help with food spills/stains, but I will get to that later this week.

Welcome to my breakfast nook, Table. I think you and I are going to be friends. Especially after I dress you up with a fantabulous round rug I am getting from Anthropologie! :)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Color branching...

Color branching as in branching out with the colors I have going on in my living room. I love the green/orange/white theme, but it's getting a bit matchy for I bought this Soviet space propaganda poster in Moscow to start branching out with colors:

See it in the corner there?

Roughly translated, it reads "Courage, work, Soviet-people thinking, Glory!" And has Yuri Gagarin (first human in space) on it and the date of his history-making flight

I'm thinking of adding some pillows to the couch to tie in some of the blues and yellows in the poster (you can see it already has the green and orange). Nothing too big or bold, otherwise it will look like you just walked into a box of crayons, but just enough to break up the matchy-matchy scheme I have going on...stay tuned!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

There is something on my wall...

A picture!!!! of a Convair B-36 Peacemaker.

Yes, I have finally hung something on the wall of my living room.

There's a saga to it...of course there is, it's me who's typing this right?

It started when I took a picture at the Pima Air and Space Museum over a year ago. I decided I wanted to put it on canvas and put it over my couch. After editing the photo, I sent it to a canvas place. They emailed me back and said that the resolution wasn't high enough for the size I had requested, so I had them send it out anyways...yeah it was too small and got swallowed up by the wall. Yay for 100% money back guarantee and no shipping costs for returns!

I was bummed about the resolution, I must have had my camera settings on something different. So this past Christmas, I meant to go back out to PASM and take another picture with the right settings. I never got around to it.

See, saga right? A few weeks ago, I pulled up the photo file and was thinking "this resolution really should be sufficient...I am getting a second opinion". So I sent it off to Canvas Pop...and they had no issues with the custom size I wanted! And a couple of weeks later...voila! Wall art! :)
I am thrilled with how it looks, the resolution is great - the only slight graininess is what I put there via editing. Highly recommend this company.

Yes, I know that ceiling fan is hideous. It's being replaced hopefully soon. Apparently, I am very particular ( read: picky) about ceiling fans.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


I've started painting my bedroom. I'm really loving how it is turning out. Three walls are being painted a dark gray, Behr's Creek Bend. The remaining wall is going to be getting some awesome vertical stripes (Behr's Moonshine and Silver Drop) and wainscoting (to be painted a truly brilliant blue color). What's interesting about the dark gray is that right looks slightly purple, but in daylight, it's definitely gray. Might need to switch out the lightbulbs I am using...

I've got two walls painted the dark gray (I'm waiting on the 3rd because I need to have some drywall work use in painting it twice...) and I tested out the stripe technique in the mini-entry way into my bedroom. I plan to use bigger stripes on the actual bedroom wall (what you see is 6" and 4.25" stripes, with a wider white strip to encompass the light switch). I plan to do 8" stripes on the main wall.

I'm becoming a master taper, that's for sure! Here are some sneak-peek pictures...I'm thinking this might take me another week or two to finish up don't hold your breath :)

Taping for the white stripes


I didn't show the gray stripe taping, but you get the point. Here's the final product...yeah gotta touch up the darker gray paint on my fingers and then fell into the wall :)...also need to touch up the corner...that will come at the very end.
(Disclaimer: yes, the calendar you see is a Year of in the car, and no, I do not like the year for February. ::shudder::)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Christmas Decorations 2010!

I was nervous this Christmas decorating season...a whole house to decorate...and my puny lil pile of Christmas decorations leftover from my apartment ::gulp::

Have no fear, Black Friday is here! I scored some great more-than-half-price-off decorations and a great Christmas tree. Along with some creativity (fishing line, hooks, 1/2 price fabric, and festively wrapped cardboard boxes), I think I achieved the festive, yet-non-Griswoldesque look I was going for. The outside of the house leaves much to be desired, only a few poinsettas and a wreath, but next year folks, next year there will lights.

So here you go, Christmas Decorations 2010 in all their holiday beautifulness :)

Snowflake mobile over my couch! (fishing line, screw-in hooks and glittery snowflakes)


Breakfast nook

Christmas tree!

Festive wall vases

Behind the kitchen sink

Presents on top of the cabinets

I love my new elf candle holders from CB2!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Small touches

Just a few small things I've been doing around the house:

1) White spray paint is awesome

A $3 can of spray paint goes a long way. I painted these frames to better fit in with my color scheme. And "Harriet" got a white coat as well. My roommate, Claire, bought one of these wire blackbirds from CB2 (his name is Horatio) and I liked it so much that I bought one too (Harriet)

White frames

Harriet and Horatio

Harriet's perch

2) Light fixtures!

Irma's husband, Jonathan, came over today and spent 2.5 hours hanging several light fixtures that I had purchased. Amazing what a difference it makes!

Perfectly nice Tuscan style, but not me.

Hehe, much more me :)

Again, nice Tuscan style, but not the look I am going for

Sleek, modern pendant (sorry for the different angle). Ah, now for a dining table!

From bare bulb in the closet-turned-office to funky flower fixture :)

Cleaning supplies?

This is a pretty random post. I've been trying to stick with "green" cleaning supplies as much as possible. I started with the Greenworks brand when I first got my house- but it turns out I am not a fan because it leaves a sticky residue (sticky floors are not fun).

I recently switch to using Meyer's products (cleaners and laundry detergent). I LOVE this brand. They smell SOOOO good.

Basil scent for laundry, floors, and bathroom. Lemon verbena scent for kitchen

The laundry detergent is a great deal too. I thought at first "this is going to be pricier" but when I looked at the numbers- nope. Most all natural laundry detergents that are good for H.E (high efficiency) machines are expensive (usually around $9-11 for ~26 loads). Meyer's (purchased at Walmart): $7.98 for 32 loads. Not a huge price difference, but it still counts!!

If you're using natural cleaning supplies as well, what do you recommend? And yes, I know that you can mix vinegar and stuff like that, but 1) I'm lazy and 2) it doesn't smell as pretty :)...still, Id be interested to hear suggestions.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Fall decorations

I've never decorated for fall, but I've been to a few of my friend's houses recently, and I just love their fall decorations (Irma...Megan...Jessica...) so I decided to get into the spirit of things, small scale :).

Gourds, pumpkins, and fall foliage around the kitchen sink (I have another bowl of gourds on the coffee table too)

Fall foliage and Yankee Candle's "Autumn Leaves" candles
(can't thank Lisa enough for introducing me to that scent)

So, like I said, small scale. But the decorations make me smile. :D

Friday, September 10, 2010

Latest living room picture

Here you go Mom (you really need to get Facebook :) )

Things still to go on the walls...

Saturday, July 31, 2010


So, back in February, I bought a couch from craigslist with the intent of reupholstering it to put in my living room.'s still sitting in my garage :). So I came up with a contingency plan "Musical Sofas".

Here's how it's going to go:

Sleeper sofa in TV room is getting moved to guest bedroom so guests actually have a place to sleep. Craigslist sofa is moving from the garage to TV room and will be covered with something more appealing than the current eyesore 1960s orangish brown tweed that currently graces it's cushions.

So what's going in the living room?

I found these online at Macy's (on sale too! love it!). I love the vintage-y yet modern lines. They are super comfy too (although the cushions need to get a bit more broken in!). I have a coffee table in a box (see it in that back corner?), it's waiting for a rug that I ordered back in May (yeah...import issues apparently). I want to make sure everything "goes" in case I need to return the coffee table/rug (although I shudder to think of having to return that rug after waiting close to 3 months for it to arrive!). I'm still searching for throw pillows too...once the rug is in place, I'll be able to really "build" the room up, you know, things that make it more homey.