Friday, January 9, 2009

I've come a long way baby...

It was a moment that made me stop and think "wow, I have grown up so much". It happened last night.

It happened when I picked up some clothes off the bathroom floor and discovered a two-inch long wriggling cockroach on its back.

I didn't scream, I didn't jump (I started- starting and jumping ARE different). I reached OVER the cockroach to open the bathroom cabinet to get the Raid. It wasn't there. I calmly walked to the kitchen (meanwhile yelling at the cats to leave it alone- I was afraid they would flip it over- and yeah, like the cats could understand me...) and got the Raid, walked back and killed the nasty. Using two dustpans (without a broom attached to the end of them and without plastic bags wrapped over my hands) I calmly scooped it up and flushed it.

I've come a long way. A long way from trapping a cockroach under a cup and then calling Christina and Paul and Paul coming over and disposing of it.



Lynn and Chad said...

Great job! That's very inspiring. I'll let you know if I make that kind of progress. Especially if my Roman wants to pick it up and eat it...we'll see how calm I remain. It could go either way!

B said...

Why spray chemicals all over your floor when you have a nice, sturdy foot?

Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of you.

xtinapaul said...

Well... I still use Paul :)

Although I have stopped with the screaming too!